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The Course
This 6 part series led by veteran women's empowerment coach Samantha Karlin will help you to deconstruct and shed your inner patriarchy, build your sense of self and confidence levels, and dive into tools for radical self-love along with other amazing women from around the world.It is rooted in evidence based positive psychology methods, empowerment tools, and cognitive behavioral techniques specifically tailored towards the struggles and realities faced by women of all backgrounds.Featuring "The Athena Method for Conquering Self-Doubt"Courage + WisdomDo you want to fulfill your highest potential?
Do you want to get paid what you deserve?
Do you want the courage to change careers or start your own business?
Do you want to feel confident, authentic, and courageous no matter where you find yourself?
Do you want to be surrounded by other women who will support, encourage, and advise you?
This course was made for you.
© 2019